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GMCO Sheep Animal Nutrition


Nature's Multivitamin for Livestock with 50+ Minerals

Our Stock Rock™ mineral salt is uniquely red from over 50 naturally occurring minerals and supplies nearly all livestock with critical nutrients that their bodies need to thrive and grow.
Stock Rock™ is mined directly from the earth at our mine in Salina, Utah. This pure, all-natural mineral salt is nutrient dense and unprocessed.
We sell solid mineral rocks as well as crushed mineral salt in a variety of grades and flavors.
For herds with a regimented feeding plan, our crushed fine and coarse varieties mix easily into your animals feed. Need more minerals in your feed? Send us your mineral requirements and we will add to the crushed salt the necessary minerals missing in your herd's diet.
Crushed coarse and fine mineral salt is available in 50lb bags, super sacks or bulk options.
Bovine Boost is a unique blend of bentonite clay with our crushed fine salt. Small consistent doses of Bovine Boost helps support healthy ruminants.

Available Products:

Solid Mineral Rocks Available in 5-20+ lb Rocks

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